A car registered in Spain should have at least Third Party insurance.
We offer competitive Third Party, Third party Fire and Theft and Fully Comprehensive insurance for cars registered in Spain.
Our Car Insurance policies include the following benefits:
- 24 hour European Roadside Assistance
- Glass cover with no excess applicable
- No Claims Discount up to 65%
- Courtesy Vehicle on Fire and Theft Covers and in the event of Damage
- No Excess deducted on Fire, Theft or Total Loss Covers
Types of Insurance
Third Party
This is the minimum requirement by law to provide cover for damage that your vehicle may cause to other people or their property.
Third Party, Fire and Theft
As with Third Party, but also covers if your car is stolen or catches fire.
Fully Comprehensive
Also provides cover for damage caused to your vehicle in the event of an accident.
Motorcycles and mopeds are insured with almost the same terms as cars.
Insurance for a young moped driver is usually listed in his or her parent(s)' name, and he or she is only mentioned as a driver on the policy. Bonuses are not valid for moped insurance.