Vakuutukset Espanjassa — Försäkringar i Spanien


    Send information of a car accident to SEGURIA

    The fields with asterix (*) are obligatory. Remember to press SUBMIT at the end.
    After submitting you will receive an automatic confirmation and we will contact you shortly after opening the claim.

    Your Name*

    Your NIE-number

    Your Email*

    Your Phone Number*

    License plate number of your car*

    Day and Time of the accident* (Fill in: DD/MM/YYYY)

    Place of the Accident (Street and City)*

    License plate number of the Contrary*

    Who was guilty for the accident?*

    Short description of the accident*

    Enclose the ACCIDENT STATEMENT here (or send it to, or WhatsApp tel. +34 634 315 664 Anneli)

    Is it okay for you to take your car for loss adjuster's inspection (in case repair is needed) to a nearest Generali Seguros authorized repair shop? (We will send you the address and required claim number after opening the claim)
    YesNoI do not know yetBenefits: Easiness, you can take your car for inspection when it suits you, replacement car during repair, car wash, warranty for the repair.

    Additional information

    NOTE: If the enclosure is big, sending might take some time.
    Wait until you get the confirmation to your email given.

    Seguria S.L. 2024